Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It's been a damn long time since my last entry and what can I say but there's little to stifle your inspiration like starting school after a long summer and becomming suddenly paranoid that all the drinking you've been doing in your life has finally caught up with you and you're starting to pay the consequence of having fewer brain cells than you thought. I was preoccupied with the idea for a while that I was going to actually have to work really hard to get through school. I think it was the trip to Canada that did it in which I drank harder than I ever have in my life and after two weeks noticed that my tolerance was considerably higher. It was worth it though- it was like a test in manliness: drinking whiskey and beer, smoking heavily (Canadian cigarettes are fuuuuucking expensive, by the way) and eating red meat every day. I actually felt pretty fantastic the entire time too- no serious repricussions noted. But that was 2 and a half months ago- why am I talking about that when the truth is a lot of shit has happened more recently that would probably be more apropriate to write about, if anyone even checks this thing anymore. The most obvious recent development is that I started at UC Santa Cruz, but everyone knows that- school is rocking now ever since I realized that I'm not a complete moron from spending the last 6 years fucking around and not going to school, I just have to actually use all the math I've learned in the last twenty years instead of mechanically solving problems using the same idea over and over. I get the feeling I'm going to miss the days when math didn't really require any thinking. Halloween came and went- nothing spectacular: I carved two pumpkins, accaidentally swallowed fake blood, and saw lots of men in drag. The next morning fell out of bed. I have no complaints about school. UC Santa Cruz basically rocks even though being 26 makes me at least five years older than everyone in my living space. I tutor a girl who brings me candy every day and I think wants me to bring her back to my place to take advantage of her, though I'm not biting. I started trying to run again with a new method that if this doesn't keep me from getting shin splints nothing will: $100 professionally selected running shoes, 10-15 minutes of stretching before and after covering all leg muscle groups, constant hydrating, and running only on the campus track. So far I'm two weeks in and though my feet felt like hell the first week, otherwise so far so good. Ok this information is getting a little dry meaning it's probably time to wrap it up- just had to give a solid extended paragraph to show I mean it. More in the future.